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Bureau Refugees F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr N. C,
Raleigh, N. C. Octr 14th 1867.

29  Col M. Cogswell
Sub Asst. Comsr,
Fayetteville, N.C.


I have the honor to transmit here with draft on Fayetteville for Two Hundred Dollars, being an additional donation from Boston Fund which please place in the hands of former Committee for the purpose heretofor named. Please have enclosed receipts signed and returned.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur [[/signature]]
Bvt. Lieut. Col, A. A. A. G. 

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Bureau R. F. & a. L. H. Qrs. Assistant
Raleigh N. C. Oct 22" 67

Rutherford 30

Capt. A.
Genl Asst Comr
Wilmington, N. C.

AT the request of the Committee for the distribution of the "Boston Fund" I herewith transmit draft on Wilmington for Four hundred dollars, with the request that you will place it in the hands of the Committee named by  you, to be expended in the manner and for the purposes issued in a former communication. Please cause the enclosed receipts o be signed by the Committee, and returned to this office

Very Resp'y
Your Obd't Serv't
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur. [[/signature]]
Bv't Lt. Col. & A. A. A. G.