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[[preprinted]] 58 [[/preprinted]]

Bu. R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr N. C.
Raleigh N. C. 27th Feb. 1868.

[[left margin]] 35 [[/left margin]]

Wm Gray Esq.
Chairman Boston Relief Fund Committee.
Boston, Mass.

Dr Sir:

I have the honor to transmit herewith Acct. Current of Funds remaining in our hands donated by the Citizens of Boston for the year ending Dec. 31" 1868.

Much destitution is now prevailing and arrangements are now being carried out to relieve the same as far as possible through the means of the generous donations of your fellow citizens, and which will remaining completely absorb the amount remaining on hand, carrying out ^[[at]] the same time the object which it was intended.

Allow me to convey through you, to the doners the thanks of a suffering community and [[?asking]] you that the gift has and is yet giving comfort to many distressed families.

Yours truly.
[[blank space]]
Bvt. Maj. General. U. S. A.
Chairman of Committee

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 59 [[/preprinted]]

Bu R. F. & A. L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. N. C.
Raleigh N. C. 27th Feby 1868.

[[left margin]] 36 [[/left margin]]

Lieut. Thos H. Hay.
N. C.


I am requested to inform you that there remain on hand a [[underlined]] small [[/underlined]] fund donated by the Citizens of Boston for charitable purposes, which the committee in charge desire to distribute, in order to provide for individual cases of destitution, particularly among the aged and infirm, and sick or feeble children.  You are requested to send the names of such of the above class as come under your notice, as soon as possible, so that some little relief may be afforded.

Very respectfully
Your Obdt svt.
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur [[/signature]]
Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen'l

Copies of the above letter sent to the following named gentlemen - 27th Feb. '68

Wm H. Doherty. Esq. Elizabeth City N. C.
Gardiner Merriam " [[ditto for: Esq.]] Rocky Mount " [[ditto for: N. C.]]
Alfred Thomas " [[ditto for: Esq.]] Lumberton " [[ditto for: N. C.]]
Isaac Rosekrans " [[ditto for: Esq.]] Washington " [[ditto for: N. C.]]
Lieut. Chas Dodge " [[ditto for: Esq.]] Edenton " [[ditto for: N. C.]]
William Birnie " [[ditto for: Esq.]] Lincolnton " [[ditto for: N. C.]]
Capt. A. W. Fuller Lexington " [[ditto for: N. C.]]
W. W. Jones " [[ditto for: Esq.]] Statesville " [[ditto for: N. C.]]
Geo. E. Hawley " [[ditto for: Esq.]] Franklin " [[ditto for: N. C.]]
Oscar Eastmond " [[ditto for: Esq.]] Ashville " [[ditto for: N. C.]]

Transcription Notes:
'doners' is as written by author General Chur has beautiful penmanship (but too light! )