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Bu. R. F. & A. L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr. 
Raleigh. N. C. 16" May, 1868.

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Lieut. Frank H.
N. C.


At the request of the Committee for the distribution of the "Boston Fund" I enclose herewith Check on Raleigh Nat. Bank. for One hundred dollars which  you will please place in the hands of the following committee for Franklin Co. if  you consider them responsible parties, to be expended in relieving extreme destitution in that vicinity.

[[underlined]] James N: Uzzle, Edwd Alston [[/underlined]] (cold) & [[underlined]] John H. Williams [[/underlined]] Cold). Please have enclosed receipts signed & return to these Hd. Qrs.

I am Lieut.
Very respty,
Your ob't svt.
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur. [[/signature]]
A. A. A. G.


Bu. R. F. & A. L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. N. C.
Raleigh. N. C. May 16" 1868.

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C. C.
Caldwell Co. N. C.

Your communication of 8" inst. has been referred to the Committee in charge of the "Boston Fund"

The committee have complied with your offer made therein, & I herewith enclose check on Raleigh Nat.. Bank for One hundred dollars, for which you will please transmit your note for the amt. no interest being charged.

Please sign enclosed receipt and return to these Hd. Qrs.

I am Sir,

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[[preprinted]] 75 [[/preprinted]]

Very respectfully
Your obt. Svt.
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur [[/signature]]

A. A. A. Gen.


Bu. R. F. & A. L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Com. N. C.
Raleigh. N. C. 29 May "/68

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54 -
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Isaac A.
Washington, N. C.


I am directed by the Committee for the distribution of the "Boston Fund" to authorize you to purchase Twenty dollars ($20.) worth of provisions to be given to [[underlined]] Jackson Holt. [[/underlined]] A check on Ral. Nat. Bank will be forwarded to you for the amount.

You are requested to name a Committee of Two, who will act with yourself, or three without yourself if preferable, in making the purchase - The Committee to sign the enclosed receipts, the same to be sent to this office with memorandum of purchase.

See-- L. R. R [[?]]
Very respectfully
Your ob't Svt.
[[signature]] A. Geddes, [[/signature]]
1st Lieut. A. A. A. G. 


Raleigh N. C. Aug 28" 1868.)

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C. C. 
Caldwell Co. N. C.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of 20" inst and in reply to inform  you that the committee for distributing the "Boston Fund" request me to say, that you will not be required to refund the money sent to you in May last, and I enclose  your note