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or any one else, I would rather go to the guard house first, or words to that effect."
Of the Charge, "Guilty."
"To forfeit ten ($10) dollars per month for two months, and to be confined at hard labor, in charge of the guard, for thirty (30) days."

II.  The proceedings, findings and sentences in the foregoing cases of Corporal James F. Dampman, Co. "I," Privates James Beaton, Co. "A," William Brunswick, Co. "G" and Christian Burger, Co. "I," are approved.  That portion of the sentences relating to confinement, will be carried out under direction of the Commanding Officer of the Post at which the prisoner's companies may be serving.

III.  The proceedings, findings and sentences in the foregoing case of Hospital Steward George R. Stiltz, U. S. Army, are approved;  he will be released from arrest and returned to duty.

IV.  The proceedings, findings and sentences in the foregoing cases of Privates John Richardson, Co. "D," James McDevitt, and Owen O'Brien, Co. "F" 6th Infantry, are approved;  they will be released from confinement and returned to duty with their companies.

V.  The proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case of Privates Michael Moran, Co. "I" 4th Artillery, are approved. – Fort Macon, N. C., is designated as the place of confinement, where the prisoner will be sent with his discharge from service and a copy of this order.

VI.  The proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case of Private High McGuire, Co. "A" 6th Infantry, are approved. Castle Pinckney, Charleston Harbor, S. C., is designated as the place of confinement, where the prisoner will be sent with his Discriptive List and a copy of this order.

Capt. 38th U. S. Infantry,
A. D. C. & A. A. A. G.


Capt. 38th Infantry,