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To specification first charge,  "Guilty."

To first charge,  "Not Guilty."

To charge second and its specification,  "Guilty."

FINDING.  "Guilty."


"To forfeit ten ($10) dollars per month of his pay for two (2) months, and to be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for the same period."

10.  Private Ananias Underdoo, Co. G, 40th Infantry.

CHARGE – "Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline."

Specification 1st – "In this, that he, Private Ananias Underdoo, Co. G, 40th Infantry, having been duly mounted as a member of the camp guard, and while on duty as such, knowing that a prisoner or prisoners under charge of the guard to be in possession of deadly weapons, did connive at the concealment of, and did himself conceal, such deadly weapon, and did deny to the Officer of the Day, Lieut. Soper, 40th Infantry any knowledge of the same, thereby aiding and abetting prisoners under guard to mutiny and violence.  This at camp near Goldsboro', N.C., on or about May 24th, 1867."

Specification 2nd – "In this, that he, Private Ananias Underdoo, Co. G, 40th Infantry, having been duly mounted as a member of the camp guard, and while on duty as a member of said guard, receive from one James F. Spencer, Pvt of Co. H, 40th Infantry, who was at the time a prisoner under guard, a revolving pistol, loaded with powder and ball, for the purpose of concealing the same and prevent the Officer of the Day, Lieut. Soper, 40th Infantry getting possession of the same, while causing a search to be made for deadly weapons.  This at camp near Goldsboro', N.C., on or about May 24th, 1867."

PLEA.  "Guilty."

FINDING.  "Guilty."


"To forfeit ten ($10) dollars per month of his pay for six (6) months, and to be confined at hard labor in charge of the guard for the same period."