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^[[3rd Day]]
Date ^[[May 14:10.]]

[[9 column table]]

|Mach. No. | Operator | Passenger | Time of Flight ^[[P.M.]] | Wind Dircn. | Wind Vlcty | Length of Flight Time | Length of Flight Dist. | Remarks|

|^[[#2]] | ^[[O. Wright]] | — | ^[[4:26]] |   |   | ^[[8:00]] |   |   | 
|^[[#2]] | ^[[O. Wright]]|   |   | ^[[5:01]] |   |   | ^[[14:30]] |   |   |  
|^[[#2]] | ^[[O. Wright]] |^[[ Welch]] | ^[[5:31]] |   |   | ^[[15:00]] |   |   | 
|^[[#2 | ^[[O. Wright]] | ^[[Welch]] | ^[[5:59]] |   |   | ^[[18:00]] |   |   |  
|   |   | ^[[Welch]] | ^[[6:29]] |    |   | ^[[10:00]] |   | ^[[Welch up 43 min.]] |

Gasoline used __________Oil used ___________
Signed ^[[F. T. Coffyn]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-24 20:26:08