Viewing page 13 of 160

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[[column 1]]
Letter Paper — Quires | (1071)
Letters Recd Book No | (2)
Letters Sent Book | (2)
Letter Copying Book | (4)
Lead Pencils | (348)
Lime Barrels | (40)
Lumber [[Ferk?]] | 8212)
Letter Copying Press | (1)
Locks No | (17)
Linseed Oil Gallons | (1)
Mucilage Bottles | (87)
Memorandum Books | (28)
Note Paper Quires | (356)
Nails Pounds | (213)
Navy Yard Property Lots |(2)
Oats Pounds |(924)
Office Tape Prices |(459)
Office Tape Spools |(6)
Office Chairs No |(9)
Oil Paper Sheets |(1)
Pen Holders No |(205)
Pen Racks |(2)
Printing Cap Paper |(42)
Patent Paper Wetting Machine |(1)
Putty, Pounds |(43)
Pails, No | (2)
Prison Lot |(1)
Pillow Sacks |(337)

[[column 2]]

Post No |(20)
Paper Folders No |(4)
Red Ink Bottles | (94)
Ruling Pens | (6)
Rubber Ruler |(1)
Rulers | (11)
Rubber Bands, Gross | (3 2/12)
Rubber, Prices | (36)
Special Order Book. |(1)
Sealing Wax Ounces | (45)
Steel Pens No | (7872)
Shovels " [[ditto for No]] | (3)
Shoes Women & Children, Prs. | (200)
Scantling Feet | (274)
Sash Locks No | (5)
Scrubbing Brooms | (2) 
Stove Pipe lbs | (20)
Spirits of Turpentine (Qts) | (2)
Surgical Shirts No | (90)
Smoking Caps " [[ditto for No]] | (216)
Spades " [[ditto for No]] | (3)
School Benches [[ditto for No]] | (46)
Shingles [[ditto for No]] | (3630)
Screws Dozen | (1½)
Sand Paper Sheets | (3)
Towels No | (229)
Wood Cords | (231½)
Whitewash Brushes | (5)

Transcription Notes:
quire - noun - 25 (formerly 24) sheets of paper; one twentieth of a ream.