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Statement of Expenditures in the office of C.Q.M. & D.O. Bur. R F. and A.L. State of North Carolina from October 16" 1866 to September 1" 1867.

--- | --- | --- | 

For Salaries of Asst. & Sub. Asst. Commissioners | 6373 | 67 |                                 

For Salaries of Clerks | 18420 | 15 |

For Stationery & Printing | 895 | 60|                                                          
For Medical Department | 16429 | 23 |

For Quarters & Fuel | 896 | 66 |                                                               

For Transportation | 1366 | 29 | 
For School Superintendents  1604 | 99 |                                                       

For Telegraphing | 2199 | 23 |

For Clothing for distribution | 1184 | 61 |

For Refugees & Freedmens Funds | 3662 | 11 |

For Rents & Repairs of School Houses & Asylums | 4669 | 59 |

For Commissary Stores  | 11 | 25 |

For Special Relief Funds | 16980 | 42 |

Total  | $74693 | 80 | 

Respectfully Submitted
Thos. P. Johnston 
Bvt. Lieut Col & A. Q. M.
C. G. M and D.O. State of N.C.

Raleigh, Sept 28, 1867