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of monthly pay, in hereafter computing the time of service of government officers and employees, thirty days will be assumed as the length of each and every month of the year.

When accounts are rendered for services stated to have been performed from a given date to another, one of the days named will be excluded unless it is specified or clearly shown by the form of the account that the service rendered was "inclusive" of both.

Fractions of days are not recognized in making payments.

The specific purpose for which all articles are purchased or used, should be distinctly noted on the vouchers, to enable the accounting officers to designate the appropriation upon which they should be charged.

In all accounts for articles purchased, the date of each purchase, the name, number, price, etc., of each article must be distinctly specified in the accounts.

Accounts for the expenditures of disbursing officers must bear dates.

In the revision of accounts, pay of employees is suspended against the disbursing officer, if it appears that the signatures and marks on the pay-roll are made by one hand-writing.  The Army Regulations and the rules of the accounting officers require the signature of the party who receives payment, or his mark attested by a commissioned officer, if present.

In cases where a charge is made by one person for a payment made by him to another for freight, wharfage, dravage, or any other purpose, the particulars of the charge must be fully specified in the body of the account, and a receipt from the person to whom the payment is made, must be annexed as a subordinate voucher.

Capt. and A. Q. M., Brevet Major Vols.,
Chief Disbursing Officer.