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[[underlined]] Receipts and Disbursements [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Appropriation Fund [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Receipts [[/underlined]]
On hand per last report | 22,900.16 | -
Received during the month | 16 352.70 | $39,252.86

[[underlined]] Disbursements [[/underlined]]
Expended on accounting
Salaries of Asst and Sub. Asst Com'rs | $4,912.68 | -
" " [[dittos for:  Salaries of]] Clerks | 1,790.44 | -
Stationary and Printing | 90.00 | -
Quarters and Fuel | 1232.22 | -
Commissary Stores | 670.54 | -
Medical Dep't. | 1624.82 | -
Transportation | 3434.68 | -
School Superintendents | 293.34 | -
Repairs & Rents Schoolhouses & Asylums | 320.90 | -
Telegraphing & Postage | 381.07 | -
Southern Relief | 37.50 | 14,788.19
On hand June 30" 1868 | - | $24 464.67