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Report of operations of Freedmens Bureau in the District of West No Ca since the Surrender &c to Dec 31st 1865.

[[11 column table]]
| Station | Date | Number of Contracts made. | Number of Freedmen employed in said contracts. | Amount of clothing issued. | Number of cases of dispute or difficulty settled. | Number of cases of murder or assault. | Number of Indentures made. | Are the Whites willing to do fairly by the Blacks? | Are the Blacks willing to work for fair prices? | Is it for the good of both Whites and Blacks that the Bureau be continued? | 
| Morganton | Dec 31st 1865 | 18 | 32 | None | 600 | 2 | 14 | No | Yes | Yes |

| Charlotte | Dec 31st 1865 | 52 | 191 | None | 600 | 20 | 1 | No | Yes | Yes |

| Salisbury | Dec 31st 1865 | 50 | 90 | None | 627 | 3 | 105 | A Majority are | A Majority are | Yes |

| Greensboro' | Dec 31st 1865 | 48 | 265 | None | 260 | 39 | 85 | A Majority are | A Majority are | Yes |

|   | Total | 168 | 578 | None | 2087 | 64 | 205 |   |   |   |
[[/11 column table]]

[[signature]] Clinton A Cilley [[/signature]]
Bt Col & A A G Vols
Supt Dist W No Ca