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in the ^[[District]] of ^[[West North Carolina]] , [[strikethrough]] Commanded by [[blank line]]. 

| 1 DATE. ^[[1866]] | 2 STATION. | 3 OFFICER IN CHARGE. | 4 No. of Men. | 5 No. of Women. | 6 No. of Children. | 7 Aggregate. | 8 Aggregate last report. | 9 GAIN. By Birth. | 10 GAIN. Received. | 11 LOSS. Discharged. | 12 LOSS. By Death. | 13 TOTAL GAIN. | 14 TOTAL LOSS. | 15 Total No. of Rations issued. | 16 No. of persons for whom Contracts have been made since last report. | 17 Average rate of wages since last report - as per Contract. Males. | 18 Average rate of wages since last report - as per Contract. FemaleS. | 19 Average prices for which Contracts are made. | 20 No. of Farms (Abandoned Lands,) worked by Freedmen. | 21 Aggregate No. of Acres. | 22 No. of Town Lots in possession of Bureau. | 23 Aggregate rents received per month or as per Contract, for Lots or Buildings. | 24 REMARKS. (SEE NOTES 1 AND 2.) |

Feby 15. | Salisbury | Col Cilley | 11 | 32 | 58 | 101 | 123 | 3 | 10 | 30 | 5 | 13 | 35 | 1859 | 8 | 8$ | 5$ | 1/3 Crop | " | " | " | " | The temper of the Whites towards Freedmen is improving & the improvement would be much greater, were it not for the trouble produced by the Blacks in many cases breaking their contracts.  This renders the Employers suspicious, and unless the practice is stopped, will almost entirely break up the confidence existing in the capacity and willingness of the Blacks to take care of themselves.  I have issued a circular which has been sent forward to the Asst Commissioner, which I hope will in some degree arrest the evil.  In other respects the Bureau is working very advantageously.  But one case of violence has been reported.  It was compromised by the parties satisfactorily, by the woman who made the assault, paying the complainant ten (10$) dollars. |

| " [[ditto for Feby 15]] | Charlotte | Capt Barnett | 30 | 55 | 76 | 161 | 189 | 1 | 8 | 35 | 2 | 9 | 37 | 2150 | 153 | 8$ | 4$ | 1/3 Crop | " | " | " | " | [[see text in column 24 above]] |  

| " [[ditto for Feby 15]] | Greensboro' | Asa Teal | 6 | 6 | 18 | 30 | 44 | " | " | 13 | 1 | " | 14 | 1224 | 32 | $12,50 | 6$ | 11$ | " | " | " | " | [[see text in column 24 above]] |

| " [[ditto for Feby 15]] | Lexington | Wm F Henderson | " | " | " | " | " | " | " | " | " | " | " | " | 85 | 8$ | 4$ | 1/3 Crop | " | " | " | " | [[see text in column 24 above]] |

| " [[ditto for Feby 15]] | Morganton | Lt Harris | No Report received.

|   | Stanley Co | Col Palmer |
|   | Anson Co | W H McFarlane |
|   | Forsythe Co | H G Renegar |
|   | Stokes Co | Wm H Gentry. | 
|   | Surry Co | H M Waugh |
|   | Rutherford Co | Rev T B Justice |
|   | Monroe, Union Co | F L [[Wyatt?]] |
|   | Randolph Co | Wm Frazier. | 
[[after curly bracket to right of above 8 names]] These agents lately appointed have made no report as yet.  Their monthly Reports will be forwarded Feby 28th, 66.

|   |   | Total. | 47 | 93 | 152 | 292 | 356 | 4 | 18 | 78 | 8 | 22 | 86 | 5233 | 278 | " | " | " | " | " | " | " | [[see text in column 24 above]] |

Headquarters ^[[Salisbury NC]],
^[[West North Carolina]],
^[[Feby 15th]], 186^[[6]].

^[[Clinton A. Cilley Brevet Col. Vols. Superintendent.]]
[[strikethrough]] Commanding. [[/strikethrough]]

NOTE I. - In the Column of Remarks, give all facts of interest or importance in relation to the Freedmen, and the practical workings of the Bureau, particularly in relation to the Contract System, whether there is an increasing desire on the part of Freedmen to obtain work, or the contrary, temper of the people in reference to Freedmen, &c., &c.

NOTE II. - This report will be made by District Commanders on the 14th and 28th of each month, from the last report of Stations received at that date.  It will be sent from each Station or Freedmen's Camp by the officer in charge thereof, in season for the District Report to be made out as directed above.  The Column of Remarks, in addition to the remarks of the Officer in Charge of Station, will contain any suggestions or remarks of the District Commander. 