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From [[underline]] Wilhelm Schlüter [[/underline]], Halle, Germany. - 14 specimens, 14 species, chiefly Trogons and Toucans new to the collection. 
([[underline]] Purchased [[/underline]]).

From [[underline]] J.A. Singley [[/underline]], Austin, Texas. - 14 specimens, 6 species, from Galveston, Texas. ([[underline]] Gift [[/underline]]).

From [[underline]] Lawrence Skow [[/underline]], Omaha, Nebraska.- A hybrid between the Summer Redbird ([[underline]] Piranga rubra [[/underline]]) and the Scarlet Tanager ([[underline]] Piranga Erythromelas [[/underline]]) from Omaha, Nebr. ([[underline]] Exchange [[/underline]]).

From [[underline]] Southwick & Critchley, [[/underline]] Providence, R.I. - Two specimens, male  and female, of the Heath Hen [[underline]] Tympanuchus cupido [[/underline]]) from Martha's Vineyard, Mass. ([[underline]] Purchased for World's Fair Exhibit [[/underline]]).