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[[strikethrough]] III. [[underlined]] Statement of character of Routine Work in Arrangement and Classification of the Collection and the preparation of the Exhibition and Study Series [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]]IV. [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Review of Special Researches prosecuted upon Material belonging to the Department [[/underlined]].

For reasons explained under heading No. I., nothing worth mentioning was accomplished in the line of work which would properly come under these two headings, although the work there described would in large part belong as well to No. II.

^[[ [Here insert 50-53, but do not copy p.54 at all]  ]]

[[strikethrough]]V. [[/strikethrough]][[underlined]] Present State of the Collection, &c. [[/underlined]] 

The present state of the collection is very satisfactory as regards preservation, but wholly