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Total skin series at end of June 1892, .. 60,532

Additions during 1892-3 ^[[*check mark]] .. [[underlined]] 1,985 [[/underlined]] 
Total number of skins at end of June, 1893 .. 62,517

Exhibition collection at end of June, 1893 .. [[underlined]] 8,154 [[/underlined]] 

Total number of specimens at end of June, 1893 .. 70,671

Total number of specimens at end of June, 1892 .. [[underlined]] 68,416 [[/underlined]] 
Increase during 1892-3 .. 2,255

The last entry at end of June, 1892, is 126,361; at end of June, 1893, 128,852.

[[marginalia]] small type [[/marginalia]]

[[*check mark]] Less additions to mounted collection (340 in number), and specimens distributed (136).