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[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Addenenda [[\strikethrough]] 
Specimens distributed. [[\underlined]] 
To [[underlined]] C.F. Adams [[\underlined]] Champaign Ills.
64 specimens, 49 species. ([[underlined]]Exchange[[\underlined]])

(1) To [[underlined]] Anastasia Alfaro [[\underlined]], Chicago, Ills. ( In behalf of [[underlined]] Musco Nacional de Costa Rica [[\underlined]])
267 mounted specimens, 258 species.
(Lent to Coasta Rican Government in [[underline]] exchange [[\underlined]] for specimens and for courtesies extended).

(2) To [[underlined]] J.A. Allen [[\underlined]] Am. Mus. Nat. Hist.
 New York City. 
19 specimens, 6 species ([[underlined]]Lent for examination)[[\underlined]])

To [[underlined]] W.B. Barrows, [[\underlined]] U.S. Dept. Agriculture, Washington. 
2 specimens of bobolink. ([[underline]] Exchange.[[\underlined]])