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[Ro]chester, New York.-39 specimen
(35 species) from Central America, Mexico and Brazil-(to be mounted for World's Fair exhibit.)

To [[underlined]]Witmer Stone[[/underlined]], Academy Natural Science, Phila, Pa. - 21 specimens (2 species) of Wren; 7 specimens Hutton's vireo; and 37 specimen (2 species) of Titmice. (sent for identification.) 

To [[underlined]]Prof. R. Collett[[/underlined]], Christiania, Norway. - One specimen of Ross' Gull ([[underlined]]Rhodostethia rosea.[[/underlined]](Exchange.)

[[underlined]]Minor routine work.[[/underlined]]

official letters written - 31
"[[ditto for official]] memoranda "[[ditto for written]] - 27
Requisition, outside "[[ditto for written]] - 9