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from boundary of Mexico and Arizona.
From Albert Lano,
19 specimen (12 species) from Minnesota and Oregon.

From ?Gov. ?, Bering Island, Kamchatka, through Dr. L. Sti?nefer).- 11 specimens (8 species) from Bering Island.

From Lieut ?Kirk G. Robinson, U.S.A Fort Mcpherson, Atlanta, Georgia.-94 specimens (34 species) from Bogota Columbia. (Gift.)

Specimens distributed.
To Frank H. Cushing, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C.-8 specimens (5 species) (Damaged skin's ?guanito/? to

Transcription Notes:
The place referenced is Bering Island, Kamchatka however the spelling in the original document appears incorrect or different. --maybe Kamtechatka?