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^[[checkmark]] From [[underlined]]Chas. W. Richmond[[/underlined]], Washington, D.C.- 22 specimens (22 species0 from Nicaragua and Jamaica (Purchase for World's Fair Exhibit.)

^[[checkmark]] From [[underlined]]Frank H. Hitchcock[[/underlined]], Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.- 2 specimens, male and female, of the Fox Sparrow ([[underlined]]Passerella iliaca[[/underlined]]) from Washington, D.C. (Gift.)

[[underlined]]Minor routine work.[[/underlined]]

official letters written - 9
"[[ditto for official]] memoranda "[[ditto for written]] - 6
Requisitions, outside  "[[ditto for written]] - 3
"[[ditto for Requisitions,]] house "[[ditto for written]] - 4
Orders for work "[[ditto for written]] - 2