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[[underlined]] Minor routine work [[/underlined]]

Official letters written.........................14
Official memoranda written.......................16
Requisitions (Outside) written................... 1
Requisitions (house) written..................... 6
Orders for work written.......................... 4
Memoranda of packing written..................... 5
Invoices written (pp.)........................... 2
Monthly reports written (Oct-May incl.) pp.......33
Proof corrected(galleys).........................23
" " [[dittos for "Proof corrected"]] (page revise) pp..................91

[[underlined]] Papers submitted for publication [[/underlined]]

(1) On a small collection of birds from Costa Rica 3½ pp. ms.
[[underlined]] Buthraupis [[strikethrough]] arcaei [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insert]] caeruleigularis [[/insert]] [[/underlined]]
Cherrie, sp. nov.

(2) Remarks on the Genus [[underlined]] Myiarchus [[/underlined]], with