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The soil is very rich & black and raises good crops of grain & potatoes. Frost injured the grain in August 2 years ago and a hail storm has destroyed the crops in a swath 4 or 5 miles wide through the Mts. a few days ago. This said to be very unusual however, while frost often occurs in Aug.

Mosquitoes of the curse of the country, making it almost impossible for a person or stock to live in the woods. I could stand them but a short time & in half an hour my hands & neck & face & lips were swollen and very painful. The mosquitoes are big & yellow and bite fiercely & cover you so completely that they can not be kept off unless one be veiled & gloved & properly protected. The woods are a tangle of pea vines and excellent forage but cattle & horses dare not venture out of the open fields. Marshes and sloughs full of cow lilies form ideal moose grounds but the moose