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[[underlined]] To Washburn. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 27 [[/underlined]]. Took Soo train north to Washburn, back over prairie most of the way but down to river flats a few miles below Washburn. Crops are good on the prairie and considerable corn is raised. It seems about as far along as in the corn belt of Minn. Wheat, barley, oats & flax are the standards.

[[underlined[[ July 22 [[/underlined]], Got a [[tea? team?]] and crossed to west side of Missouri river and drove west on the road to Stanton about 14 miles, to where we could see the town and the hills away beyond. Set gopher traps, shot birds & a Lepus [[meacusi?]] and made lists of plants and birds. Wooded and bushy bottoms extend back a mile or so from the river, then a row of sand dunes, then an open flat with scattered bull berry & willow, then a flat of good grass, their low bluffs up to edge of wide bench of prairie back to high bluffs of plains. The best farms are on the middle bench on