Viewing page 25 of 92

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[[underlined]] Mobridge. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Both Sonoran & Transition. [[/underlined]]

Populus fremonti , Abundant, mostly Sonoran
Lepargyrea argentea , " " "[[ditto for Abundant, mostly Sonoran]]
Frainus viudis , Abundant on flats, Equally both 
Negundo  " " "[[ditto for Abundant on flats, Equally both]]
Ulmus americanus ,Common  " "[[ditto for on flats, Equally both]]
Quercus [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] macrocarpa  " " "[[ditto for Common on flats, Equally both]]
Prunus demissa  " " "[[ditto for Common on flats, Equally both]]
"[[ditto for Prunus]] americanus  " " "[[ditto for Common on flats, Equally both]]
Amelanchier alicifolia  " " "[[ditto for Common on flats, Equally both]]
Rosa  big  " "[[ditto for common on flats]]
Vitis      " "[[ditto for common on flats]] 
Ampelopsis " "[[ditto for common on flats]]
Liatris       , several sp., not in flower.
Asclipias speciosa   Common.
Helianthus annuus  , "[[ditto for Common.]]
"[[ditto for Helianthus]] petiolaris? "[[ditto for Common.]] 
"[[ditto for Helianthus]] tubrosus? "[[ditto for Common.]]
Ambrosia [[strikethrough]] gigantea [[/strikethrough]] trifida  "[[ditto for Common.]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

It would seem from these lists that the predominance was Upper Sonoran. But the birds are largely neutral, a few good [[underlined]] Sonoran species [[/underlined]] as follows.

Icteria o. longicauda, Common
Icterus bullocki, 1 fine old male seen.
Chondestes g. strigatus, A few seen.

The others are of both zones mainly
[[underlined]] Pure Transition breeding birds [[/underlined]]
Pipilo arcticus, common in brush on NE slopes.

The river is said to freeze over 2 or 3 feet thick for 4 months of the year. The ferry boats run about 8 months.

Crops are fairly good. Wheat, barley & oats are getting ripe. Corn is tasseled & silked out & looks well. Considerable is raised every year. Potatoes & garden vegetables do well & potatoes are now big enough to eat. Crops are 2 or 3 weeks farther along than they are on the prairies of N. Dak.

Flax is in full bloom from Roscoe to here. Considerable is raised. 

The timber along river is narrow here.