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Roscoe to Mowbridge South Dak.


Cynormys ludovicians, Said to be a dog town a few miles below Mowbridge at E. side of R.

Citellis richardsoni, common at Roscoe, and west to Java & Selby.

Citellis [[13lineatus?]],Several heard & seen at Mowbridge

Mus norwegicus, A dead rat seen by railroad at Mowbridge.

Thomomys talpoides – Abundant all along

Lepus campestris, A few big pellets seen at Roscoe & Mobridge.

Lepus [[?]] – Cottontails are common in brush on bottoms of Mobridge.

Taxidea taxus, badgers are common all along, Numerous voles seen.


Heterodon nasicus, A dead blow snake was seen in the road at Mobridge
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To Lennon S. Dak.

July 29 A wreck delayed my train 5 hours so did not leave Mobridge till 3 P.M. Reached Lennon at 5:30.
     Crossed the Mo. R. at south of Grand River and followed up Grand R. Valley for about an hour, then up over open prairie & planes, to Lennon.
     The Grand River valley is beautiful farming country, rich soil and good grass, and timber all along the river. The timber is mainly bar oak, elm, ash, boxelder and a little cottonwood as far up as we follow the river.
     The Prairie shows many mesas, buttes, [[?]], and [[?]], suggesting the arid badland country we are approaching. Still it is mainly level, or with rolling swells, well covered with grass and prairie plants. There are few farms or ranches on the [[?]] Res. but as soon as we leave the Res. farms of thick and crops good. Around Lennon the country is half then stop and much of it under cultivation, Wheat, oats,