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[[underlined]] To Miles City [[/underlined]]

Juniperus virginians, a little yellow pine, and in one NE semicircle a patch of Aspen. Bullberry, chokecherry, gooseberry & currant thistles are common over these steep cold slopes. The south slopes of badlands are hot + barren with some Atriplex confertifolia & several other Upper Sonoran plants.

[[underlined]] Aug 2 [[/underlined]] Sunday, took 9 AM train to Miles City and arrived there about 3 P.M. Went to Hotel Olive & got a room for the night but found the Elks were gathering for a roundup & every room in town taken for the 3 following days.

From Marmarth west the country is rough plains, mostly too dry for farming but excellent grazing land. There are great numbers of little buttes & ridges with usually rocky or barren tops & sides. Followed several creeks and one long winding valley down to junction with the Yellowstone. Saw [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] no timber on the way except