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along this creek & here only scattering cottonwoods. At Terry we strike the Yellowstone Valley and on both sides there are scattering yellow pines on the high buttes north and south of the river.

The river valley here is wide and open with badland buttes rising back of it. [[strikethrough]] From Terry [[/strikethrough]]

From Terry to Miles the valley is irregularly 2 to 10 miles wide with some wide side valleys coming in from the south & north. There is no continuous timber along the valley and very little brushy bottoms as are found farther east. The groves of cottonwoods are scattered and sometimes miles apart, and are usually open and clear beneath.
At Miles there are enormous old cottonwoods 5 or 6 feet in diameter and very gnarled and often of odd shapes.

The whole Yellowstone valley along here is strongly Upper Sonoran

See plant lists.

There are good irrigated ranches around Miles City and far below.