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[[underlined]] Miles City. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 2.[[/underlined]] Had to go out of town to find a place to stay but got a nice room at private house about a mile out – Also about a mile from the hills at edge of valley. Spent most of 3 days writing reports and getting notes on birds and plants of the valley.

[[underlined]] July 4. [[/underlined]] Set a line of traps out through the hills but caught only a Neotoma & [[?]].

[[underlined]] July 5. [[/underlined]] Couldn't get a horse or team so got a bicycle and went about 10 miles out on the Powder River road SE. of town into the high badland buttes that are covered over the tops & cold slopes with yellow pine, Juniper, and Transition zone bushes & plants. Hoped to find chipmunks but did not succeed. Had a hard days trip but got good notes and lists. The hills are probably 800 or 1000 feet higher than the valley.