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[[underlined]] Horntoads [[/underlined]] – Saw several & collected one on Cedar Creek below XIT Ranch.
Crotatus confluentis, Said to be common over valleys.

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[[underlined]] to Terry & Mt. Sheep Buttes. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug 6. [[/underlined]]
Packed up and took 2:30 train east to Terry & arranged for camp trip to Sheep hills about 50 miles north of here.

[[underlined]] Aug. 7 [[/underlined]] Wrote reports all day except a tramp over valley in evening.

[[underlined]] Aug. 8 [[/underlined]] – Streeter arrived at 1 P.M. & as I was ready with team and camp outfit we started at 2 and cross the river on ferry and struck north up Cedar Creek about 10 miles & camped in time to set out traps. At this camp we are only about 100 feet higher than Terry (2300 feet).

[[underlined]] Aug 9. [[/underlined]] Caught only [[?]] & Thomomys & a Neotoma that got away with trap. Shot 2 young cottontail.
     Went on up Cedar Creek to XIT Ranch (20 miles) and 10 miles farther on top of Mountain Sheep Buttes, but had to come back to gulch at base to get water for camp. Mt. Sheep buttes are 3300 feet.