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[[underlined]] To Billings [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 10 [[/underlined]]Caught 2 Microtus [[Vivar?]] & found a dead [[?]] in road. Returned to previous camp on Cedar Creek & set out more traps. Saw 2 antelope come down to water with herd of cattle.

[[underlined]] Aug 11. [[/underlined]] Caught a Neotoma & each shot a Cottontail. Made up skins & drove west across Cherry Creek into big badland buttes near river, where there is lots of yellow pine & Juniper. Got 4 Chipmunks & returned to Terry.

[[underlined]] Aug. 12[[/underlined]]. Finished reports while waiting for delayed train & started west on N.P. at 4 P.M. Reached Custer at dark and Billings about 10 P.M. went to Northern Hotel, a very good place.

Marked blue strips on zone map where ridges covered with yellow pine & juniper come down to river valley but am calling the Yellowstone & side valleys all Sonoran. It is mixed however & be river bottoms may be Transition.