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[[underlined]] Big Timber [[/underlined]]

Populus angustifolia, abn. along river
Salix   " " " [[ditto for abn. along river]] 
Chokecherry " " " [[ditto for abn. along river]]
Pinus ponderosa, On hills well back.
Juniperus, " " [[ditto for On hills well back.]]
Pseudotsuga, One tree by river.
Artemisia tridentata, Common
Artemisia frigida, " [[ditto for Common]]
Guterrizia [[euthanus?]], " [[ditto for Common]]
Helianthus annuus, " [[ditto for Common]]
" [[ditto for Helianthus]] petiolaris, " [[ditto for Common]]
" [[ditto for Helianthus petiolaris]] tall, " [[ditto for Common]]
Grindelia squarrosa, " [[ditto for Common]]
Ambrosia triloba, " [[ditto for Common]]
Liatris, " [[ditto for Common]]
Artemisia cana, in spots
Lepargyrea argentea, " [[ditto for in spots]]
Rhus trilobata, " [[ditto for in spots]]
Psoralea glandulosa, Common dry areas
Cleome integrifolia?, a [[strikethrough]] [[trace?]] [[/strikethrough]] little " " [[ditto for dry areas.]]
Opuntia  " " [[ditto for a little dry areass]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Left Billings [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Aug. 15.[[/underlined]] Left Billings at 11:30 A.M. Found the same wide Sonoran valley up to the Rapids, where it narrows in and becomes mainly Transition, & Populus fremonti is replaced almost entirely by Angustifolia, & Artemisia cana and tridentata.  The yellow  pines come down to valley bottom on both sides and the hills are fairly well covered with them.  The valley is narrow to above Columbus but widens a little toward Merrill with traces of Sonoran species, but mainly Transition.

Prairie dog town just above Merrill. Then no more P.D.s, or Populus fremonti or bullberry.

Valley all Transition to near Bigtimber, when it widens out and on dry areas there is again Psoralea grandulosa, Grindelia squarrosa, Helianthus annuus, Opuntia missouriensis and a little Cleome.

The Crazy Mts. rise sharp and high far above timberline & have lots of snow on cold slopes. At Bigtimber is a wide farming valley crops mainly oats & alfalfa.