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[[underlined]] Gardner [[/underlined]]

Pinus flexilis, com. along sides of valley & a few along river banks

Pseudotsuga taxifolia, " " " " [[ditto for com. along sides of valley & a few along river banks
Juniperus virginianus, a few along river banks & on rocky slopes

"[[ditto for Juniperus]] [[one?]] seeded,  " " " " [[ditto for a few along river banks & on rocky slopes]]
Populus balsamifera, A few trees along river banks

Salix narrow leaf.,  Common along river banks

Betula occidentales ,a little along river.

Prunus demissa " " " [[ditto for a little along river.]]

Artemisia tridentata, Abundant over dry slopes

" [[ditto for Artemisia]] arbuscula " " " [[ditto for Abundant over dry slopes]]

" [[ditto for Artemisia]] frigida " " " [[ditto for Abundant over dry slopes]]

Chrysothamus canescens " " " [[ditto for Abundant over dry slopes]]

Guterrizia [[euthanae?]], a little " " [[ditto for over dry slopes]]

Ribes cerum, common along river banks.

Helianthus annuus, a little on hot slopes

" [[ditto for Helianthus]] petiolaris, " " " [[ditto for a little on hot slopes]]
Opuntia missouriensis,  Common  " " [[ditto for on hot slopes]]
Grayia polygaloides, Scattered  " " [[ditto for on hot slopes]]

Eurotia lanata,          " " " [[ditto for Scattered on hot slopes]]

Rhus trilobata,          " " " [[ditto for Scattered on hot slopes]]

Oryzopsis paniculatum,   " " " [[ditto for Scattered on hot slopes]]

Clematis,     along river banks

Populus tremloides, Common around edge of valley

Pinus murryana, " " " " [[ditto for Common around edge of valley]]

Picea           " " " " [[ditto for Common around edge of valley]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

At Phoenix (a name only) the valley narrows up to a deep gorge and then opens above to about a mile wide at Mammoth Hot Sprs. The sides are still Transition, stony & covered with sagebrush (A. tridentata) up to the timber. Some steep broken talus of lava cliffs.
The same up to and around Gardner.

Gardner, at edge of Yellowstone Park, is in the bottom of a narrow, dry, barren valley. The ground is hard & baked and with little cover. The water runs off quickly & it dries up & gets hot. On the hot slopes several good sonoran plants are common, but the valley is dominantly Transition, up to edge of mountains where aspens, spruces and lodgepole pines begin in dense forest areas a mile or two back on each side. The lack of any yellowpine leaves the Transition area open to sagebrush & small plants.

The river here roars thro a narrow gorge with green and foamy water. The banks are dry & mostly without timber or brush.

Can find no trace of ground squirrels, but there are woodrats, woodchucks , and cottontails.

Returned to Livingston at 10 PM

Transcription Notes:
Same as Juniperus viginiana ? RJ Belula should be Betula ? RJ - I think so, t not crossed and wrong t crossed in occidentales...njw "ditto words need doing as per instructions" -- according to _what_ instructions? I second this comment. Have seen the "per instructions" comment in several places now and have never seen instructions anywhere for how to transcribe ditto marks.