Viewing page 48 of 92

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[[underlined]] Dubois, Idaho. [[/underlined]]

[[double underlined]] Plants. [[/double underlined]]

Populus angustifolia, Com. along creek.
Salix  (narrowleaf) " " " [[ditto for: Com. along creek.]]
Ribes aureum, " " " [[ditto for: Com. along creek.]]
Prunus demissa " " " [[ditto for: Com. along creek.]]
Alnus  , " " " [[ditto for: Com. along creek.]] in a deep gulch.
Rosa     big, " " " [[ditto for: Com. along creek.]]

Artemisia tridinlata, Abundant over valley
" [[ditto for: Artemisia]] trifida, " " [[ditto for: Abundant over valley]]
Chrysothamnus graveolens? " " [[ditto for: Abundant over valley]]
  " [[ditto for: Chrysothamnus]] fine leaf  " " [[ditto for: Abundant over valley]]
Guterrizia euthanae, " " [[ditto for: Abundant over valley]]
Tetradymia canescens " " [[ditto for: Abundant over valley]]
Chrysona laricifolia?  Common on rocky places.
Kunzia tridunata,      Common over valley.
Balsamorrhiza     small leaf, " " [[ditto for: Common over valley]]
Plantago patagonica, " " [[ditto for: Common over valley]] 
Oryzopsis micranthe  " " [[ditto for: Common over valley]]
"Lactuca spinosa", " " [[ditto for: Common over valley]]  

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Dubois [[/underlined]]

but most years are, here.

The valley is pure upper Sonoran with sagebrush, various forms of Bigelovia, Kunzia, Cactus and very little scattered grass, lots of sage sparrows & Perodipus & sage chipmunks.

Along the creek are scattered Populus angustifolia willows, rose bushes, chokecherry & Ribes aureum, but only in a very narrow line.

The lava fields are not very rough and much of the country is covered with good soil while some is very sandy.

Only a few fields are irrigated from the creek and these carelessly & wastefully and most of the water goes to waste. Alfalfa & grain hay & some wheat and oats are raised.

Sheep are grazed over part of the lava beds and a few horses are seen running at large, but there is very little grass & no water except in the creek. There seems no possibility of ever reclaiming this part of the desert, tho probably half of the area is good soil.

Transcription Notes:
tridinlata = tridentata?