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[[underlined]] Dillon [[/underlined]]  Aug. 24

Bison     old [[strikethrough]] horns [[/strikethrough]] skull seen in dooryard

Citellis elegans, Very numerous from Glen to summit of range where the Idaho line is crossed. Often 100 voles to an acre, half dug out by badgers, Half of the rest not used, 20 squirrels to an acre a fair crop over much of valley.. Mostly denned up, 1 taken, 3 others seen.

Eutamias minimus, Common in sagebrush gulches. 4 taken, eating Opuntia seeds.

Neotoma, Sigus common in rocks.

Lepus nuttallii,: in rocks & cover of brush or woodpiles. One shot in schoolhouse woodpile, one in rocky gulch.

Lepus campestris, Common. One seen & lots of sign. Most on top of high hills

Canis occidentalis, Said to be common & troublesome on Horse Prairie

Canis latrans, Common in valley.

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alfalfa and oats seem to be the only crops. No fruit is raised and I suspect the bottoms are frosty (5000 feet). The winters are said to be mild with little snow. Horses run in pasture all winter and do well.

[[underlined]] Aug. 24.[[/underlined]]  My train was late so I could not connect with Missoula train at Butte, so staid for 2 P.M. train & tramped over hills west of town. Eutamias minimus & saw lots more. Saw a few Citellis elegans but failed to get any, got a Lepus nuttallii & saw abundant signs of L. campestris.
     Found bank swallos still at their nests & photographed nest bank. Added to bird & plant lists
     Took train for Butte at 2 P.M. & arrived at 5:30. Had to stay over night. to get daylight train to Missoula.