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On west slope Transition zone begins at Lister with lots of Acer [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]  [[ boreo phyllum?]] & [[?]] Fatzia, Alnus, Abies loweana, Thuja, etc.

A few oaks, Quecus breweri? near Palmer.

Reached Seattle at dark and took 12 oclock train for Portland.

[[underlined]] Sept. 22 [[/underlined]], Reached Portland 9 AM. & went to Hotel Portland, got mail & wrote letters & reports.

[[underlined]] Sept. 23 [[/underlined]], Went out to Sellwood to try and find Jewett but he was not at home Finished up reports & got supplies for next trip.

[[underlined]] Sept. 24 [[/underlined]], Left Portland at 8 AM. & crossed over to Vancouver, Wash. to trap on north side of river. Set traps and hunted rest of day.

[[underlined]] Sept. 25 [[/underlined]] - Caught Chilotus. Drove out to Orchards

[[underlined]] Sept. 26 [[/underlined]] - Got another Chilotus & set traps for [[underlined]] townsendi [[/underlined]] down on river flats near mouth of Willamette. Streeter arrived in morning.