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[[underlined]] Oct.8 [[/underlined]] Hunted & trapped at Scottsburg and took boat for Gardiner at 7 PM, making the 20 mile trip down the river after dark & reaching Gardiner at 10 P.M.

Caught Sorex, Microtus oregoni, & townsendi, & shot chipmunks & Citillis Douglasi. Found [[?]] houses but did not get a  [[?]]. The houses are common all along from Drain where 2 specimens were collected. Applodontia burrows are common.

[[underlined]] Oct.9 [[/underlined]].
Tramped over ridge in woods back of Gardiner for 2 hours & got back to boat at 11 AM for Mouth of bay, There took stage down the beach 20 miles to Coos Bay & Launch to Marshfield, arriving at 5 P.M. Went to the Chandler Hotel

Gardiner is in a sheltered curve of the bay, with high timbered ridges rising back of it. The town is about 6 miles from the coast and back of the Pinus contorta belt but in the sitka spruce, hemlock and other coast vegetation. The timber is dense & mossy & the woods full of slugs & Applodontias.

The beach is a wide sand slop all the way to Coos Bay.