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[[underlined]] Oct. 10 [[/underlined]]. Sunday and reports to be written. But we had one good tramp through dense forest just back of town.

[[underlined]] Oct. 11 [[/underlined]]. Struck across the words for Empire on the bay 5 miles west. Found a road half way & then crawled through the tangle the rest of way to Empire. Got dinner & a team to get our baggage & moved camp to Empire, a dead and deserted town of unusual beauty and interest. It is on a high shore overlooking the bay & outer sand bar, sheltered but with the ocean breeze & view. The dense woods crowd it & the roads are cut through the woods to the north and south.

The timber is Port Oxford Cedar, hemlock, Sitka spruce, Pinus contorta, Pseudotsuga, Taxus, Alder, Crabapple & Myrica. Laural, Salal, Salmon berry, Sitka willow, & Vaccineum ovatum are the main brush but there are many others.

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[[underlined]] Oct. 12 [[/underlined]]. Caught only Peromyscus & Sorux but set traps out in other places, down the shore & at the lakes. 

[[underlined]] Oct. 13 [[/underlined]]. Caught Microtus townsendi, Peromyscus, Sorex (2 sp.), & shot squirrels & chipmunks & birds.

[[underlined]] Oct. 14 [[/underlined]], Drove down to ferry, 8 miles south of Empire & got photos & went to traps. Caught Neotoma [[?]] & Microtus townsendi

In PM. took the Rita for Marshfield & arrived at 5 P.M. Got mail and sent letters.

[[underlined]] Oct. 15 [[/underlined]]. Got a 2:30 PM boat (the Curlew) for Sumner & arrived at 5 PM. An interesting trip up the [[strikethrough]] South [[/strikethrough]] Catching Slough, with marshes and farms & fields all along. The timber has been cut & then burnt & the second growth is now dense, largely alders, maple, & douglas & Sitka Spruces, Some hemlock & Port Oxford Cedar. Lots of umbellularia & a few [[?]].

Dairying is the main industry.

The tide reaches Sumner.