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[[underlined]] Oct. 17. [[/underlined]] Returned to Marshfield on the Curlew but could not get a train out to Coquille until tomorrow.

Wrote reports till bed time, about 20 pp.

[[underlined]] Oct. 18. [[/underlined]] Took 8 AM train for Coquuille and then the boat to Bandon, arriving at 11:30. Tramped down the shore and in woods all of PM. Rained most all day.

From Marshfield to Coquille & thence down the river to Lamprey[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] Creek the country is much the same as at Marshfield. Lots of maples & alders & umbellularia mixed with the conifers. Ash is aboundant in the Coquille valley west to the last gap near Lamprey Creek. Here it stops with the maples, Madrones, and such trees, back of the westernmost ridge. Port Oxford Cedar & Sitka spruce are common all along. Also hemlock & Douglas spruce as the principal lumber trees, until near the coast.

At Bandon there are only 2 trees, Pinus contorta & Picea sitchensis, near the shore and town. There is lots

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of dense chaparral of Solal, Vaccineum ovatum, Arctostaphylos tomentosa, Rhododendron & Azalia. On high points are extensive carpets of Empetrum nigrum & juniperus alpina? & other little northern plants. One Garrya tree 15 feet high & with a solid trunk 6 inches in diameter stands in the chaparral near the shore & just at the southern edge of town. Fruiting specimens saved.

The Pinus contorta is beautifully gnarled and dwarfed and flattened & wind beaten. some trees lying prostrate & others flat topped or all on one side. Some are very picturesque.

Rained all day by spells. so I couldn't take photographs.

There are lots of farms and dairy ranches along the Coquille Valley, some fairly good apple  orchards but badly neglected. Lumbering is the great industry. Many coal mines are being worked - the soft coal delivered to river boats. Salmon fishing is in full progress, and the big salmon cannery is running. Boat loads of Silver sides were seen all along the river. The silversides are good but rather dry.