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[[underlined]] Oct. 20 [[/underlined]]. Left Port Oxford at 7 AM and reached Corbin, at noon, only 16 miles down the coast but over two high ridges and mostly bad roads. Rained all night and all day, so I was pretty wet by noon & decided to stay over for better weather and to see what lives here.

Port Oxford is an exposed southern bay, or open semicircle, protected by a point from north winds but open to south. A heavy south surf is rolling in over the big rocks. There is no harbor. The town is on a windy point with a superb view but nothing else.

From Port Oxford we climb up a long mountain slope through heavy timber to 1300 feet, then down over half open slopes back toward the sea, a beautiful, sheltered nook lies just back of Humbug Peak where Quercus chrysolipis and garryana are common, the first & only ones seen. Quercus densiflora is common all along today and a bush that I saw yesterday was probably the same. Otherwise the plants are the same as yesterday.

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The tops of high ridges are more open & those a little back & a little higher are said to be still more open. 

The names Bald & Prairie mts. are common. Some of the sea slopes are also open & grassy.

[[underlined]] Oct. 21 [[/underlined]]. Left Corbin at 1 PM & reached Wedderburn at dark. Crossed Rogue River to Gold Beach in row boat.

Country more open near the Rogue R. with long bare or grassy sloping ridges running back into the mts.

[[underlined]] Oct. 22 [[/underlined]]. Went 17 miles up Rogue River in Gooding launch with J. F. Lowery to his place opposite Skoodkemhouse Butte. Arrived at 2 PM & set a few traps up slope of first ridge

[[underlined]] Oct. 23 [[/underlined]]. Followed the ridge north about 6 miles from Lowery's place to top of first & second Prairie peaks. to Soldier Camp & Sour Grass Peaks. This is one long ridge with crests rising one beyond another to Sour Grass, the highest at 3483. Above the first 1000 feet the slopes are open and grassy or covered with Pteridium to near Soldier Camp, thence mainly