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[[underlined]] To Harbor, Oregon [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Oct. 28. [[/underlined]] Rained all night but I took stage at 6 AM south. Followed coast a few miles, then back up long hills & through big woods, over some open grassy topped ridges and down again to Pistol River, near the coast. Then up more long ridges well back from the coast till we came down near the mouth of Chetco River & down to Harbour at dusk.

Open, grassy topped ridges came down to the shore in many places and Thomomys hills are common on these generally & on the open valley bottoms along the [[river?]].

The timber is heavy where not burnt or cut, douglas spruce, hemlock, fir, sitka spruce and a little Port Oxford Cedar. Lots of maple, umbellularia, alder, and tan bark oak and after the half way driver station some Quercas garryana, & chrysolepis. A few Populus trichocarpa along Pistol River behind the first set of hills, a lot of [[underlined]] Pinus attenuata? [[/underlined]] on ridge tops a few

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miles below the driver station, also some [[underlined]] Ceanothus velutinus. [[/underlined]]

The common plants are the regular set of coast species, Pinus contorta, Picea sitchinsis, Salal, Salmon berry, Vaccinium ovatum & purophyllen, Garrya, Sambucus, red & blue, Manzanita, the big [[Cravottus?]] thyrsiflorus?

Saw one Ruffed grouse in the road & one Lepus bachmani, but had my gun packed in baggage.

Rained almost all day. Got some wet in open rig but the worst of it was I couldn't see the country

Harbor is 6 miles north of the Calif. line, a little settlement at mouth of Chetco River, exposed to full sweep of winds & waves. Staid with Will Lake who drives the stage & keeps a little store & hotel. An ideal place to stop with charm fresh room & delicious meals. Had venison for supper.