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[[underlined]] To Crescent City [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Oct. 29 [[/underlined]] Left Harbor at 8 AM in pouring rain but had a covered stage and good roads & team, Reached Smith River at 11 AM & staid for dinner, then took another stage to Crescent City, arriving about 4. Came 27 miles. Rained most all day, hailed some & the ridges show snow on the crests.

An open strip runs most of the way along the coast with farms all along from Harbor to Smith R. Here a big flat opens out and an extensive & beautiful farming country lies along the valley & coast. Dairy farming is the principal industry & hay & grass are the principal crops. Vegetables & apples are [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] raised in quantities for home use. The apples are not well developed even back in sheltered sections.

Along the coast and on exposed slopes Picea sitchensis & Pinus contorta are the only trees & these [[? scalbud ? ]]. From Smith River to near Crescent we came through a dense forest of redwood, with a scattering around the crops & open spots of Abies grandis, Tsuga, Picea sitchensis, alders, maples, Umbellularia & bushes.

Under the redwoods are Vaccineum ovatum & parvifolium, salal, [? Polystadium], & sorrel. Salmonberries grow in places. Some of the redwood has been cut & burnt but the ground is still covered with logs & stumps that are being worked up for lumber & shingle. The live redwood timber is almost perfect, close & huge & tall, a wonderful growth. The mountain sides are covered with dense redwood forest, and several people tell me there are small groves of redwoods along the Chetco River north of the line, & that they extend most of the way to Humboldt Bay on the south.

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