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but on they plunged with us a'ter 'em.
And suddenly the [[day?]] broke forth a whole slew of planes firing helter skelter on the two Bosche - who were too far away to appreciate the attention that was being payed them. So I withdrew to keep out of the fire of these mad Spads (as they proved to be) - so did Putnam whom I lost in the melee and who afterwards had a combat before coming back. While trying to find him I ran into two patrols of our squadrons and two lone single plane patrols, and over Bermicourt I paused to watch some German shells kicking up a lot of dust at an intersection of roads, evidently directed against a small car or cannon passing the place.
When at evening mess we talked the fights over and had many a laugh. And who can say now that this is such a quiet sector!
I told the Major about the shelling and