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April 4th, 1944

Dear Stewart:

Please find herein enclosed a photograph of the painting I talked to you about, as well as all the details concerning its pedigree, reproduction, exhibition, etc.

If I am not mistaken, the painting is slightly bigger than yours.

May I point out that it is of the same year as one of the Frans Hals in the Metropolitan Museum, and the one which was sold some weeks ago at Parke-Bernet in the Thompson Sale (I am also enclosing a copy of this catalogue).

If you compare the photograph herewith enclosed with the Frans Hals in the Thompson Sale, you will see that many people may think this one more agreeable than the other; as for instance, the Thompson picture has in the foreground the big, bulky fist holding the glass which gives the feeling that the sitter is shaking his fist at the on-looker.  The colors are very different.  Here they are of beautiful quality and the paint very transparent.

I would be most thankful to you for letting me know when I can pick up the photograph and catalogue.

