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^[[stamp]]AUG 1 27[[/stamp]]
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[[logo incorporating initials]]LIC
1818 Whitley Avenue
Hollywood, California
July 22nd, 1927

My dear Mr. Jucker -
Now that it is nearing the time for us to be returning East, I thought it best to write you a little note, and find out exactly when you wanted me to resume my work.
Before Mr. René sailed he asked me to be ready by the fifteenth of October.  I thought possibly you might have received some word from Paris and I might be needed a little earlier or later.  At any rate, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.
We had a delightful trip thru the Canal, and find California a beautiful place, but New York comes first.  Both Mother and I are looking forward to going back home.
I hope you had a lovely vacation, and that Mrs. Jucker is well.

Lucile Claffey.