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"Again, credit information inquiries, and reference requests, emanating from New York City banks and other credit organizations or agencies for the 1951 period were calculated in the neighborhood of 250 to 300.  Similar inquiries during 1952 decreased possibly as much as between 1/3 to 40%."

"On the other hand, the number of requests as to where to buy, or to sell, or to have appraisals made, which during 1951 I estimated at approximately 600, I can safely say that the number of such inquiries doubled in 1952, and that, I feel, is very significant."

"One subject which does not give me much pleasure to report, but which, however, I am sure you will be interested to hear, is that the number of complaints against the ethics and practices of the trade, has been on the increase, and very much so.  Is it possible, you will wonder, that the so-called recent recession in the antiques business is responsible for this increase?  I am however proud to be able to add that few, if indeed any of such complaints, have involved League members."

"Another rather significant analysis is the volume of business brought to us in 1951 and 1952 through certifications for exports to Canada.  The following comparison will be found of timely interest, i. e.,

[[3 column table]]

[[item]] | [[underlined]] 1951 | 1952 [[/underlined]]

Number of shipments | 78 | 63
Value of goods certified | $ 140,391.12 | $ 38, 923.11
Fees charged | $ 2,139.68 | $1,050.32

"A total approximating 4000 communications were mailed by this office during the year."

"For reasons which the President will probably include in his report, the membership has remained pretty much as a year ago.  In 1951 the report included 77 New York members and 48 out-of-town members.  As of this date, we vizualize the membership at 73 and 45, respectively, excluding applications on hand and the Southern California Chapter."

"The excellent cooperation given us by the distinguished Secretary of The British Antique Dealers' Association, Mr. G. E. Mann Dyson, and the fine cooperation accorded us by the editor and staff of the Magazine ANTIQUES are deserving of special mention, and of our sincere appreciation."


[[underlined]]APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP[[/underlined]]

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the terms of Art. IX of the Constitution and other pertinent provisions in the By-Laws, that the firms described below have filed application with the Secretary, and comments from members will be held in the strictest confidence.

Proposed by A. R. Neslo and Mottahedeh & Sons

Proposed by Clyde Newhouse and A. M. Adler

[[underlined]](continued on #5)[[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Mottahedeh and Sons - Iranian ceramic dealers