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The Friends of the Arts and Crafts 


Palm Beach, Florida
Dec. 23, 1927

Jacques Seligmann & Co.
3 East 51st St. New York


Mr. Frank G. Macomber of Boston talked with Mr. Enqua (the spelling of whose name I am, with apologies, guessing at) in regard to sending us one or two very splendid pictures for the first exhibition to be held under the auspices of our New Society. The exhibition will open on January 10th and last two weeks.

It is Mr. Macomber's intention to make the exhibition of the most superlatively high quality, and, therefore, he is most eager to have something from your superb collection.  The period of the picture, or pictures, which you may be gracious enough to send, is of secondary importance.  Quality is our first consideration. We will show not more thatn 15 pictures in all, - each one to be hung to its best possible advantage, and full credit will be given to each exhibition.