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December 14th., 1942.

Dear Sirs:

This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 2nd., in which you request information regarding this gallery for the purpose of including same in a folder you are preparing for circulation to visitors from out-of-town.

Though in past years we have organized many important exhibitions, and we will have on display at all times one or two outstanding paintings, we are not planning any large manifestations "for the duration".  We will continue, however, to handle paintings, watercolors and drawings by the world's foremost artists such as - 

Italian Primitives 
French 18th. Century School
English 18th. Century School
French 19th. and 20th. Century Schools (Impressionists, Post-Impressionists, Cubist and Abstract paintings). 

We also have fine Renaissance and modern French [[underlined]] SCULPTURE [[/underlined]], French 18th. Century [[underlined]] FURNITURE [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] WORKS OF ART [[/underlined]], Italian [[underlined]] MAJOLICA [[/underlined]], Gothic, Renaissance and 18th. Century [[underlined]] TAPESTRIES [[/underlined]], etc.

Our gallery is open from 9:30 to 5: daily, with the exception of Saturdays, when we close at 1:P.M.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

New York Convention & Visitors Bureau,
233 Broadway, N.Y.C.