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November 18 1925

Mr. H. K. Noyes,
1480 Beacon Street,
Brookline, Mass.

Dear Mr. Noyes,

Although I have not had the pleasure of seeing you since I left Scott & Fowles, I am writing you this letter to call your attention to my present firm, whose name you no doubt know by reputation, as we were the advisers of the late Mr. Pierpont Morgan and were responsible for bringing together the greater part of his collection, besides being represented in other private collections and museums.

The chief reason for my writing you these few lines is because I would very much like Mrs. Noyes and yourself the next time you come to New York, to call in here and look at several very fine paintings and tapestries which we acquired this summer in Europe.

I am also taking the liberty of enclosing a pamphlet describing and illustrating our main place in Paris, the Ancien Palais de Sagan, which incidentally, I might mention is one of the finest buildings erected in Paris during the time of Louis XVI.

Looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you,

Believe me to be,

Yours very truly,


