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April 20th, 1940

Dear Mr. Nuttall:

I have often heard speak of you and the fine paintings which you own, and was hoping that when I was in Pittsburgh I might have the pleasure of making your acquaintance and that, at the same time, you would afford me the privilege of seeing your collection.

Although I have not been in Pittsburgh in many years, I am now hoping to go in about three week's time and was merely writing you now as I should like to make my plans as far in advance as possible. No doubt this firm is very well known to you in the art world by name and reputation anyway, so that further introduction or credentials hardly seem necessary, but I was wondering if you plan to be in Pittsburgh during the week of May 6th and if, during that time, you would allow me to call on you.

I do hope that I may look forward to hearing from you favorably in this regard, and thanking you for your courtesy,

I remain - 
Yours very sincerely,
(Robert H. Levy)

Richard V. Nuttall, Esq.
5636 Bartlett Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
