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July 27th, 1932.


Dear Mrs. Palmer:

Please excuse this delay in writing to you.  I have been trying to locate certain facts concerning the picture which I saw in your house, but am sorry to say that I cannot report any success.

In Walter Armstrong's book on Gainsborough there is a pretty complete listing of all this artist's work, but, unfortunately, only a certain number of these have been reproduced, so there is no way in which I can identify the others.  However, if as you say, you think you can obtain some further data for me, and also from what dealer the picture comes, it would help me considerably in checking up further.

I am going away the end of this week for a little while and shall communicate with you upon my return.

Let me again repeat how much I enjoyed my day with you and Madeline in the country and I am hoping that I may be able to repeat it again some time.

With kindest regards, I am


Mrs. H. B. Palmer,
Menham, N.J.                   (Robert M. Levy)