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February 14th 1923

Judge Hugo Pam,
County Bldg.
Washington & Clark streets
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Judge Pam,-

You will perhaps remember that it was my privilege to have breakfast one morning last year at your brother's home.  Since then, I have always hoped that it would be possible for me to avail myself of your invitation and call on you in Chicago.  So far, I have not been able to do so, and I will have to postpone it until the end of the year, as I am sailing for Europe on the 21st of this month.

The aim of these lines is to ask you not to fail to look me up in Paris, should you go over this year, as it would give me great pleasure to renew our acquaintance.  My address is Ancien Palais Sagan, 57 rue Saint-Dominique.

I was firtunate enough to arrive in New York just a few days before your brother sailed.  Perhaps do you know anything about his movements in Europe, and when he is expecting to be back in Paris, as I do not want to miss him over there.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and trusting that you are enjoying good health, pray believe me,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)